Do I Surf?

The question I get the most when I’m taking photos is “Do I surf?”. I love surfing, it has to be my favorite thing on the planet. I take photos of it to share the beauty and power of the ocean. I like to tell people when they ask that “I get to catch every wave” (even the waves no ones rides).

Here is one that I caught all by myself (the refection of the cliff and sky on the wave is something you miss while surfing a wave)

I also get a rush when I’m able to get so close to the action without interfering (I have got skag before and I had to pay for breaking the fin)

I also appreciate the different styles of surfers, cause no matter what or how you ride, the joy of sliding on the surface of the ocean is unlike any other feeling

And sometimes I just enjoy sitting back and watching the action.

One response

  1. marz

    I’ve only started surfing recently, and I’m still trying to stand on the board for more than a couple of seconds… When I see your images or read your blog, I wish I was back in the water! Amazing photos! Thanks for sharing them with all of us!

    April 1, 2012 at 4:24 pm

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