Archive for September, 2013

Doing What I Do Best

I take photos, I imaging I also do a fair bit of marketing myself as a surf photographer, Exhibit 1: This Blog.  But I struggle with the conflict of doing this for fun or doing it for money. I was approached by SURFLINE.COM to be listed as a “Local Pro”.  Meaning they do a small bit of advertising for me personally and I generate site traffic for them and their advertisers by directing them to where they can see my pictures. Fair trade off I guess, just being listed  as a “PRO” on their site gives me creditability that would be hard to generate on my own.

But I guess I’m just stating that I’m not doing it for the money, they have a section where you can buy my photos but it’s not about that. is the largest surf forecasting site on the internet and to be associated with them is an honor. I will always take my own type of photos (I’m not into “Sports Photography”) with an artistic approach.

So I hope you also go to their site and see my photos but you’ll never have to worry about “The Surfing Photog” going away, this is my home and it’s what I do best. So less words and more photos, Aloha



this guy almost cut back into my face, I felt uncomfortable how close his ass got to my face lol

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Around 6:30 the sunrise came up but there was so many clouds that the light didn’t really get good until 7


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The blur on this photo made it cool but the guy throwing the double shaka make it AWESOME!!!!
