
If you are looking for a private IN WATER photo session EMAIL me: and Picture)

Please include: date, location, time and contact information

I’ll get back to you about pricing (I’ll work with your budget, we are all surfers most of us are close to poor)



If I gave you a business card in the ocean or on the beach and you are looking for some pictures from that day PLEASE:

 Send me: The Date, Surf break, Time, and what your board looks like (Brand, Color, any stickers or designs) and If you really want to help just snap a picture of you and the board you were riding that day.I take a lot of pictures, help me help you

I’ll send you some low resolution pictures with my logo across the them and if you want to deal, cool. Otherwise you can just use those photos to advertise my site on your facebook pages hahaha

send all emails to:

9 responses

  1. fair enough.. =)

    March 9, 2012 at 7:36 pm

  2. great shots. i use to shoot, still do occasionally while sailing in Central America. My photos went to the local surf shops where the shots were taken. Shots where advertised under the logo ‘Swell Photo’, mostly in northern Calif. but some in North and South Baja. I spend most of my time now sailing and writing fiction. I even have one surf story on my wordpress blog. Name of the fiction is “Born in a Soup Line” by tdalan.
    Stay cool and keep shooting, you got the gift. Dave

    March 10, 2012 at 8:43 am

  3. whoismrbrown

    Where are you at mostly again?

    March 11, 2012 at 6:47 pm

    • I spend my winters in Hawaii but I travel for work the rest of the year. Grew Up in New York, spent a few years in Southern California. This year I will be in South Florida, Los Angeles, Orange County CA, San Francisco, New York, Tofino BC. and a bunch of land locked states haha

      March 11, 2012 at 7:48 pm

  4. nice pics dude!
    check out my site:
    i just put it up about a month ago, so it’s still a work in progress…
    i’m looking to get a waterproof camera…
    any camera / housing recommendations???

    March 15, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    • SPL and Aquatech are the two big to check out for water housing. if you’re not looking to make the investment yet. Swim out to the break with an Olympus waterproof point and shoot (or gopro but it’s not the same if you don’t have to press a button). See how you like it, it’s not for everyone. Not going to be back on Maui till August otherwise I’d let you check my SPL out. If you have any detail questions feel free to email me.

      March 16, 2012 at 11:29 am

  5. Danessa

    Absolutely amazing photos… I seriously got goosebumps!

    March 30, 2013 at 10:03 am

  6. Jack Bunch

    My son Jackson at Hookipa 12-11-13 blue and green wetsuit surfing with Axel the other young boy in your favorites.

    December 13, 2013 at 1:06 am

  7. John Tawharu

    Hi Daniel. Can you send us some of those photos of Jonas, Elin and dad Tawharu at Raglan this afternoon. It was just a stramble for little waves on the rocks by the entry point to Indicators. Elin has a pink board and billabong sticker on the front. Jonas has a Rusty sticker on the front. Dad is the big guy on the big blue board.

    Thanks that was fun being filmed. I think the best waves were when you were filming.
    cheers john

    February 8, 2015 at 1:57 am

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